Welcome to the about page, I'm Dany Boivin, aka CheeCh. Born nearby the city of Montréal, Québec in Canada.
Initially working for local manufactures' IT departments, getting hands-on experience with mainframes, entreprise size telephone systems, automation, product localisation using barcode and RFID technology as well as general technical support.
Over the last 5 years, working with different companies in the adult industry [ as it provides unique approach to new technologies ] provided experience with affiliate programs (custom & third-party software) and almost every billing company.
- search engine optimization
- affiliate systems development | administration
- NATS administration | custom scripting | management
- MPA3 administration | custom scripting | management
- billing processor integration | scripting
- members area development | separation | analysis
- server monitoring | performance analysis & tune-up
- gallery servers & clusters optimization | management
- upsales, cross-sales management
- consoles integration & management
- affiliate fraud scrubing
- electronics retail sale & production
- server management | administration | security | backup
- pbx-type telephone systems management
- enterprise-wide deployments & installation
- application development & analysis
- network installation | management | troubleshooting
- computer security | repair | administration | remote-control